The Inventory Transactions Endpoint is used to return a paginated list of records of transactions for a productId. You can specify a date range, but the default will be a window of 31 days.

productIdUnique identifier assigned to the product
partNumberPart Number
upcUniversal Product Code (UPC)
eanEuropean Article Number (EAN)
transactionLocationThe FC location code of the transaction (ex: LAS01)
transactionDateThe exact date and timestamp when the transaction was processed
expectedArrivalDateWhen the product is expected to arrive
inventoryAdjustmentTypeThe type of inventory adjustment made. Ex: “Sale”, “FC Transfer”
saleIdObsolete (will be removed)
customerOrderIdOrder ID provided when calling the Create Orders endpoint
customerLineItemIdThe customerLineItemId provided when calling the Create Orders endpoint
poDetailInformation about the product purchase order
containerNumberThe identifier for the shipping container in which the products are transported
quantityThe amount of units of the item in the transaction
tracking.trackingNumberTracking number associated with the customerLineItemId
tracking.shippingCarrierThe Shipping Carrier code. See "Get Tracking Updates" for available options.
tracking.serviceLevelThe Service Level used to ship the customerLineItemId
tracking.shipDateTracking number generation date, in UTC
tracking.originFcThe origin fulfillment center for the customerLineItemId

Sample Data Response

"inventoryTransactions": [
        "productId": "408400",
        "partNumber": "CS-ClRESa100B-BE-2P",
        "upc": "6972228208145",
        "ean": "1234567890123",
        "transactionLocation": "SAV01",
        "transactionDate": "2024-10-25T19:07:28.330Z",
        "expectedArrivalDate": "2024-10-25T19:07:28.330Z",
        "inventoryAdjustmentType": "Sale",
        "customerOrderId" : "string",
        "customerLineItemId" : "string",
        "poDetail": "Here are some details",
        "containerNumber": "3231111",
        "quantity": 93,
        "tracking": [
            "trackingNumber": "string",
            "shippingCarrier": "string",
            "serviceLevel": "string",
            "originFc": "string",
            "shipDate": "2025-01-13T19:15:01.296Z"

SaleOutbound Sales order adjustment
FC TransferThis includes multiple transactions, internal FC moved for shipment transaction, FC to FC transaction, and receiving FC moved from receipt to inventory. There will be a decrement from the originating FC and an addition to the receiving FC.
DamagedThis is for any inventory damaged while in an active inventory held status, for example damaged in warehouse.
Quality ControlThis is quality control adjustments for lost or found inventory.
Container ShippedWhen Spreetail has shipping information for container loads we will provide an update that the container was shipped from origin.
Domestic Inbound ShippedWhen Spreetail receives advanced shipping notification of domestic inbound shipments this will show that the shipment has been shipped from origin.
Container Checked-InWhen Spreetail checks the container into our yard.
Domestic Inbound Checked-InWhen Spreetail checks the shipment into our yard.
Container ReceivedWhen Spreetail receives the inventory into our warehouse stock.
Domestic Inbound ReceivedWhen Spreetail receives the inventory into our warehouse stock.
ReturnsReturns received to inventory, including for Return To Sender from carrier, and customer refused delivery.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!