This API is used for when an order is sent to Spreetail, where the tracking information for the order needs to be sent back to that marketplace to confirm the item has been shipment.
Get recent tracking updates
GET /api/v0/shipments/tracking-updates?hours=:hours
Returns tracking and package details for shipments updated within the last hours. The hours value allows a maximum of 720 hours.
Get tracking updates
GET /api/v0/shipments/tracking-updates?searchBy=:searchBy\&startDate=:startDate\&endDate=:endDate
Returns tracking and package details for shipments between the given startDate
and endDate
. The optional searchBy
parameter gives the option to look for orders that have been created, updated, or replaced during the time period.
Parameter | Type | Detail |
| string | May be one of the following:
| date/time | ISO 8601 formatted date/time |
| date/time | ISO 8601 formatted date/time |
Sample Response
"data": [
"packageId": "3d96ab61-9cce-4bb2-b695-7cea0468dc2d",
"customerOrderId": "user-provided-order-id",
"packageContents": [
"productId": "123456",
"sku": "SKU-COMPONENT-1",
"upc": "0123456789012",
"quantity": 1,
"customerLineItemId": "1",
"lineItemProductId": "123455"
"productId": "123457",
"sku": "SKU-COMPONENT-2",
"upc": "0123456789012",
"quantity": 1,
"customerLineItemId": "2",
"lineItemProductId": "123455"
"trackingDetail": {
"trackingNumber": "123456789123",
"trackingUrl": "",
"shippingCarrier": "fedexground",
"serviceLevel": "Ground",
"originFc": "IND01",
"shipDate": "2024-03-06T12:30:00.000+00:00",
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-03-07T00:00:00+00:00",
"trackingEvents": [
"eventType": "label_generated",
"eventTimestamp": "2024-03-06T12:30:00.000+00:00"
"eventType": "tendered_to_carrier",
"eventTimestamp": "2024-03-07T15:00:00+00:00"
"eventType": "delivered",
"eventTimestamp": "2024-03-08T20:00:00+00:00"
"lastUpdated": "2024-03-14T21:00:00.00+00:00",
"dateReplaced": "2024-03-21T21:00:00.00+00:00",
"replacedByPackageId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6""
"requestId": "0HN27ELI04P5N:00000002"
Package | |
packageId | Unique identifier for the package |
customerOrderId | Order ID provided when calling the Create Orders endpoint |
lastUpdated | Timestamp for last update |
dateReplaced | (Optional) If provided, the shipment has been replaced by the corresponding replacedByPackageId value |
replacedByPackageId | (Optional) The packageId value the has replaced this package |
packageContents | |
productId | Product ID for the item contained within the shipment |
sku | SKU for the for the item contained within the shipment |
upc | UPC for the for the item contained within the shipment |
quantity | The quantity included in the specified shipment |
customerLineItemId | The customerLineItemId provided when calling the Create Orders endpoint |
lineItemProductId | The original productId provided when calling the Create Orders endpoint. This value may differ from the productId returned above due to bundling of items |
trackingDetail | |
| Tracking number provided by the carrier |
| URL available for customer tracking |
| The carrier used to ship the package. This may be one of the following:
| The Carrier's service level used to ship the package. This may be one of the following:
| The fulfillment center from where the package originated |
| Date of shipment |
| Estimated delivery date provided by the carrier at time of shipping |
| Timestamp of last change |
| Listing of events for the shipment |
| The type of event. Can be one of the following:
| Timestamp for the event |
Return Tracking Detail for a Single Order
GET /api/v0/orders/:customerOrderId/packages
This method will return tracking and package details for a single order, based on the provided customerOrderId
. The returned data provided uses the same schema as the /shipments/tracking-updates call